Oct 6, 2013

150 Story Challenge: "It wasn't supposed to happen this way."

It wasn't supposed to happen this way, I thought as the blood from the Second Life agent pooled
around my feet. She had arrived to collect me, the assignment concluded. I had been assigned to the
Alpha group to test the success of the program, one of seven criminals sent back into our past to see if
we would repeat our mistakes. Of course we wouldn't; why would we? We knew we would be caught
and we knew how it would happen. So I hadn't murdered Jim, my now former drug dealer a second
                Unfortunately, once the assignment ended, this would not matter. I would be returned to the
future, to my former life… to my cell. I couldn't let that happen. The agent’s communicator beeped
again, an alert. More agents were coming. They pounded on the door and I opened it, prepared.

“Your Program is flawed,” I stated.

*This was a challenge given to a group of people on Facebook by my dear friend, Amber. It's an idea I have been kicking around in my head for about 3 years now. This is must the mini-mini version of the original short story I had in mind. Forgive the lack of detail-- what can one honestly expect from 150 words, lol?
*As has been stated previously, you steal it, I hurt you. 
Creative Commons License
Story Without a Plot by Jessica L Townsend is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.